Sunday, January 8, 2023


Oftentimes a quick glance at a clock may cause one to pause, especially when noticing a pattern of the time - 7:11, 9:11, and 3:11.  We may notice the same number pattern when looking elsewhere - perhaps on license plates, telephones, appliances, or commercials over a period of hours or even days.  Once we accept that these are not coincidences, we are open to the realization that there is a message in the numbers for us, and we know to pay attention to the repeating patterns and search for their true meaning

Numerology’s origin dates back to the Ancient Greek world and teaches us that each number carries its own vibration and symbolic significance. The stages of our soul’s evolution can be marked numerologically as we move from one stage to the next. Repeating number patterns in our daily lives may cause us to focus on certain aspects of our lives and approach them from deep within us. Once we recognize there is something we need to look more deeply into, we can then trust that we will be guided to the correct people and places that holding the answers for us.

Numbers, as symbols, can carry personal meanings as well. We may have our own lucky number that has served us well throughout our lives and another that reminds us of certain events of significance. My daughter's significant number is 4:44, the time of her firstborn and the same time of the arrival at the hospital for her second born.  If these lucky numbers are the numbers that are currently appearing, it may be a push from the universe to delve into the past for clues about how to handle a present situation. 

Many people indicate they are seeing 11:11 right now, which can indicate an energetic gateway has opened for you and is available to manifest your thoughts into reality. Whatever explanations you receive about the numbers that are appearing everywhere you look; the most important aspect is to trust your own guidance as to what the numbers are telling you. 

For me, my Spirit Number is 4 (adding up my birthday digits to a single digit).  My Master Number is 22, which is believed to possess great potential for manifesting positive change in the world, which I haven't knowingly tapped.  Perhaps I have limited my brain by keeping it tethered to my samskara.  I had a beautiful sister-n-law, Judi Scanlon, whose personal moto was always "whatever will be, will be" (Que sera, sera)!  I often envied her refreshing and spiritual freedom in acceptance of life.

Every culture attaches different meaning to the numbers, so a Chinese interpretation may be different than a Kabbalah interpretation. It is up to each of us to use our own intuition to see which is the best fit for us. If someone has an explanation that just doesn’t feel right, then this is not the answer for you but may be just a clue to keep you moving on your path. By giving our attention to the numbers around us, we are able to use them as tools to improve our connection to the universe and our awareness of our choices in life.